Regulatory Working Group
North Byron Parklands (Parklands) Regulatory Working Group (RWG) has been operating for many years to review environmental management and community relations. Members include the NSW Police, Byron Shire Council, Tweed Shire Council, Roads and Maritime Services, Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Service, Office of Environment and Heritage and National Parks and Wildlife Service. A community representative from both Tweed and Byron local government areas also sits on the RWG and is appointed by their respective Councils through an expression of interest process.
The RWG also reviews any community concerns or complaints concerning environmental management and community relations. There are agreed Terms of Reference to guide members of the RWG. They can be found by clicking here.
The RWG generally meets before an event and the minutes of all RWG meetings are made available to the general public.
The RWG Community Representatives
*Current as at 2019/2020
Two new Regulatory Working Group Community Representatives have been appointed by Byron and Tweed Councils, respectively, for the next two years. We welcome them as representatives of their communities and as members of the RWG.
The representatives and their contacts are:
Chris Hauritz
Email - chauritz@hotmail.com
Hamish Brace
Email - hamishNBPRWG@gmail.com
Project Information
As part of North Byron Parklands’ commitment to providing project information to interested parties, please find below a range of documents covering the approval, operation and performance of the project to date. This project information is regularly updated as new reports, assessments and monitoring data comes to hand. Please feel free to contact Parklands to discuss any aspect of this information.
The documents referred to in Condition A2 of this consent:
Environmental Impact Statement - Dec 2017
Architectural Design Plans - 2017
Civil Design Plans - 2017
Approved strategies, plans and programs required under the conditions of this consent:
Minutes of RWG meetings:
Minutes of the Regulatory Working Group (RWG), along with other information about the group, can be found here.
Environmental Performance:
Social Impact Monitoring:
Contact Parklands:
Community Hotline & Complaints Register:
Community Hotline Register - Splendour in the Grass 2019
Compliance Reporting:
Independent Audit Reporting:
Social Impact Management Plan
As part of the Development Approval SSD 8169, North Byron Parklands must implement a Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP). North Byron Parklands' SIMP identifies:
management practices used to avoid, mitigate and minimise negative impacts during its medium and large events in discrete localities;
community engagement processes to further refine and adapt mitigation and management measures; and
commitments to secure and enhance the positive impacts of the development.
The SIMP has been updated with stakeholder feedback as required and resubmitted to the Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE) for approval.