General & Booking Enquiries
For all event booking enquiries or general enquiries, please use this form or email us directly at community@northbyronparklands.com.
126 Tweed Valley Way
Wooyung / Yelgun NSW 2483
To get here
The 660 acre site is 20 minutes south of the Gold Coast airport and 20 minutes north of Byron Bay.
From Byron
(Travelling North)
Travel north on Pacific Highway
Take off ramp for Murwillumbah - Tweed Valley Way Exit (past Billinudgel)
Turn left onto Tweed Valley Way and travel 1.2km
Turn right into Gate A at the North Byron Parklands stone column
From Brisbane
(Travelling South)
Travel south on Pacific Highway
Continue past first Tweed Valley Way exit at Murwillumbah
Take Tweed Valley Way / Brunswick Valley Way Exit at Yelgun rest stop
Turn left onto Tweed Valley Way and travel 1.2km
Turn right into Gate A at the North Byron Parklands stone column.